I’m on the third bottle and feel a big difference in my knees. My knees have been bothering me for a long time. My nails are also getting pretty good. I have great confidence in this product.

Olof Didda Sigfusdottir

This is amazing stuff!!

I stopped getting fungal infections, my scars are not as thick and don´t itch any longer. I used to scratch myself until I bleed due to hypothyroidism. My skin became stronger, my hair is more alive and seems to help the absorption of iron. I have had iron and iodine deficiency and am low in B12. I do work out now, the brain fog has decreased and it’s easier for me to concentrate.

Kristjana Gudrun Sigurdardottir

I have good experience from this fine Silica Supplement, more energy and the need for sugar has reduced, I recommend this to everyone.

Rannveig L. Gardarsdottir

I am 58 years old and have taking one tablespoon of geoSilica Supplement once a day for over a month. I work out almost every day; lifting weights and riding bicycle. I feel much better in my body and joints after I started on the silica. I also feel that my hair and skin looks better, not as dry as before. I’ve recently bought bottle No. 2

Kristin Halla Hilmarsdottir

Just finished the 3rd bottle a week ago and can feel how much the silica has helped me. I have noticed that my hair loss has decreased substantially and the nails have become stronger. I’ve no doubt that this product makes a difference…… (I always took it on an empty stomach).

Jona Gunnarsdottir