You might have heard the phrases; “Your eyes are the mirror of your soul” or “Your eyes are a window into your soul” and I believe that this is absolutely true. But I also know that the eyes are windows into the inner health of your body? An Iris in an eye can be read like a map of the body. Specific points in the iris, correspond to different part or system in the body. Changes in certain organs will show up in specific parts of the iris, that represent that area of the body.
The entire central nervous system travels through every organ, system and areas of our bodies and is the main communication link to everything that goes on within us.
The optic nerve in the eye is connected to the central nervous system and receives information on the condition in the body. That is how the condition of the body is written in the eyes.
Are you ready to look into your body? I believe that Iridology is one of the best tools to spot the main cause of possible symptoms you are dealing with. But it’s important to note that Iridology cannot diagnose diseases, but only point out where; both genetic- and other weaknesses, blockages, digestive problems and accumulation of any kind can be located within the body. It can help you understand better why you feel the way you feel and then get tools to change the situation.
In my experience, Iridology has been particularly helpful for people who have been struggling with health problems for sometime, been going through different paths with various treatments, without getting any results and really never had a clear understanding of the root of their problems.