Don´t we all want to keep our kitchen clean? Imagine you are in your kitchen, the dishes, glasses and cutlery are piling up, because you are to lazy to clean. You have got leftovers of potatoes, meatballs, cheese, mayonnaise, pastas and things are starting to smell. You can see mold here and there and you can be pretty sure that bacteria is growing on it. And if you wait few more days, you’ll without a doubt see worms indulging in your leftovers. Everything is starting to accumulate in your kitchen and you are not really enjoying your home, but instead feeling depressed. But, what should you do? Well, you could move everything in an empty cabin, and clean the tables and the sink. That would get rid of the problem, right? At least, the kitchen looks clean again.
Imagine that the kitchen is your body. Lets say that you eat everything that your eyes and taste buds recommend to you, you eat until you are more than full and after the „meal“, you feel kind a tired. You don´t have energy to train, you don’t have the discipline you so much would like to have and you feel stressed most of the time (which means that your nervous system is constantly in a fight or flight mode). And because of your stressed state, your adrenals need to produce stress hormones all day long, which means that, you will not digest the food you eat, as you should. When we are stressed, we do not digest very effectively.
When you are not digesting well, you are not utilizing the nutrition from the food very well, nor eliminating the waste. So your system gets clogged up, messy like the kitchen, where bacteria and even worms find a good place to live in. You get less and less energy and, ouch, your knees, hips, ankles or shoulders start to hurt, or your heart is beating irregularly, or your body is getting filled with mucus. Do you recognize any of these symptoms?
Now, what should you do? Well, of course you visit your doctor, right? Obviously, something is wrong and your doctor should recognize the problem. He gives you some steroid shots for the pain in your shoulder or knee, blood pressure medicine to lower your high blood pressure, penicillin for your bacteria infection or statins for your cholesterol, that is all of a sudden way to high. Luckily, all this stuff works, right?
Well, in many cases, we feel the difference after we get the medicine and that is why we believe it works. But to often, this feeling of getting better is only short term and after some time we develop a different problem, that we might not be aware of comes from the same source, same imbalance as the first problem we had.
Could it be that other problems might develop in the kitchen, as a result of the pile of dirty dishes in the cabin? Maybe we have attracted some rats now, have few generations of worms or some other cute „pets“? And possibly some, not so attractive, odor in the house.
Could it be that your body was in a need of steroids and that is why your knee hurt? Well, the steroids worked, right? No more pain! Or is it possible that, because steroids depresses our immune system, that you didn’t feel the pain any longer, even though the problem might still be the same (or even worse now)? What about blood pressure medicines? Most of us know somebody, that claim they need to be on these medicines for the rest of their lives. Will they ever find out what is causing the high blood pressure? If they only knew the cause, they might be able to work on it and in return stabilize the blood pressure, without any medicine or force in any way. Only some simple changes.
Have you ever thought that high blood pressure is a sign from the body? A sign telling you that something is out of balance. So is cholesterol, bacterial infection and other ailments. The only thing you need to do is to listen to the signs and change some bad habits.
All these ailments we have are caused by an imbalance of some sort in the body. In most cases the body has to much acid and therefore is forced to produce more cholesterol to protect our organs, increase blood pressure to be able to feed every cell of the body, induce cold infection so we can get rid of mucus that is accumulating in our body or have bacteria to help the body break down acid. As soon as we feel that we are dealing with some problems, we need to help the body, we need to make changes. How? Change how we do things. We know best what we need to change. Is it the diet? Our stress level? Our way of thinking? Exercise? Find out what your imbalance might be about.
As Albert Einstein said so cleverly „If we keep doing what we’ve always done, we will keep getting what we’ve always gotten“. So if you don´t want what you have, Change! It is that simple!